The Reith Lectures 2009

講師はハーバード大学マイケル・サンデル教授、テーマは「新しいシチズンシップ A New Citizenship」ということで興味津々。

第1回は市場とモラル( Markets and Morals )がテーマ。
Prof Michael Sandel considers the expansion and moral limits of markets.
Markets and Morals
Michael Sandel, Harvard Professor of Government, delivers four lectures about the prospects of a new politics of the common good. The series is presented and chaired by Sue Lawley.
Sandel considers the expansion of markets and how we determine their moral limits. Should immigrants, for example, pay for citizenship? Should we pay schoolchildren for good test results, or even to read a book? He calls for a more robust public debate about such questions, as part of a 'new citizenship'.
第2回は政治における道徳( Morality in Politics )がテーマ。
Michael Sandel asks what role, if any, there is for moral argument in politics.
Morality in Politics
Professor Michael Sandel delivers four lectures about the prospects of a new politics of the common good. The series is presented and chaired by Sue Lawley.
Sandel considers the role of moral argument in politics. He believes that it is often not possible for government to be neutral on moral questions and calls for a more engaged civic debate about issues such as commercial surrogacy and same-sex marriage.