The Burns Unit

毎年この時期恒例の音楽イベント Celtic Connections。今年もやってまいりました。
The Burns Unit and Broken Records
Two years on from their triumphant debut gig at Celtic Connections, Scottish/Canadian supergroup The Burns Unit muster again in Glasgow, after rave reviews for their 2010 album Side Show. First brought together by the Burnsong project, they brilliantly fulfil that founding brief of making new music “in the spirit of Burns”, demolishing genre boundaries with such originality, artistry and élan as to do Rabbie proud. Their richly kaleidoscopic sound, self-styled as “indie pop meets carnival rock”, unites a sumptuous panoply of voices, songcraft and instrumentation, featuring King Creosote, Karine Polwart, Emma Pollock, Future Pilot AKA, MC Soom T, Kim Edgar, Mattie Foulds, Michael Johnston.
Tickets: £16
もう次の日にはロンドンの Jazz Cafe で演奏するんですね。
THE BURNS UNIT + Josh Beech and the Johns
Doors 7pm
The Burns Unit are an 8-piece Scottish-Canadian “supergroup” whose multi-faceted sound can be described as “indie pop meets carnival rock.”
The Burns Unit features: award-winning folk singer Karine Polwart; alt-folk royalty King Creosote and indie queen Emma Pollock plus Indo-Caledonian pop artist Future Pilot AKA; elegant multi-instrumentalist Kim Edgar; drummer/producer Mattie Foulds; energetic piano-man Michael Johnston (both from Canada) and virtuosic rapper MC Soom T.