A Good Read: Bernhard Schlink, John Steinbeck, Richard Holmes

司会の Sue MacGregor 女史が昨年11月に降板して、2月8日から3月まで再開した後、また暫くお休みだったBBCラジオ A Good Read。6月7日から目出度く再開しておりました。このプログラムは私のお気に入りなので祝着至極。
本日のゲストは Bill Paterson と Dea Birkett 。司会は Harriett Gilbert 女史。
Harriett Gilbert's guests, actor Bill Paterson and travel writer Dea Birkett, discuss with her their favourite paperback books. The choices include two novels, one set in post-war California and the other in post-war Germany, and a travelogue which is also a personal history.
Producer Christine Hall.
Books Featured in the Programme

The Reader

The Reader

Harriett Gilbert's choice: The Reader by Bernhard Schlink
Publ. Phoenix
Cannery Row (Penguin Modern Classics)

Cannery Row (Penguin Modern Classics)

Bill Paterson's choice: Cannery Row by John Steinbeck
Publ. Penguin Modern Classics


Dea Birkett's choice: Footsteps by Richard Holmes
Publ. HarperPress