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Yes I Can ?

1984 and Animal Farm

1984 and Animal Farm
Down and Out in Paris and London

Down and Out in Paris and London


At the last minute, Gollancz shortened the title to Down and Out in Paris and London.
The author, after possibilities including "X," "P.S. Burton" (an alias Orwell had used on tramping expeditions), "Kenneth Miles" and "H. Lewis Allways" had been considered, was renamed "George Orwell."
Orwell did not wish to publish under his own name Eric Blair, and Orwell was the name he used from then on for his main works—although many periodical articles were still published under the name Eric Blair.

Down and Out in Paris and London was published on 9 January 1933 and received favourable reviews from, among others, C. Day Lewis, WH Davies, Compton Mackenzie and JB Priestley.