Pub is the Hub

BBCラジオのプログラムで現在苦境にあるパブを地域で守っていく活動 Pub is the Hub(パブはコミュニティの拠点)を紹介していました。よく通っているパブチェーンの名前が HUB なんですが、なるほどそういう意味もあったんですね。
Keep it Local
As pubs struggle to survive, Peter Day travels through villages in Yorkshire and Cumbria to talk to local activists and find out how easy it is to buy and successfully run one of the focal points for any community - the village pub. He looks at the successes and failures and asks whether sheer enthusiasm and community spirit is enough to win through. Is there an economic case for these sorts of projects or can they only survive through grants and subsidies?
"Rural communities, and this country's rural way of life, face unprecedented challenges ... the country pub, which has been at the heart of village life for centuries, is disappearing in many areas. Providing services from the pub, such as a post office or a shop, keeps an essential service in the village." HRH The Prince of Wales.
Case Studies
George and Dragon, Hudswell